Central Bureau of Statistics

 Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) was established in 1959 under Statistics Act, 2015 BS as the central agency for the collection, consolidation, processing, analysis, publication and dissemination of statistics. It is under the National Planning Commission Secretariat (NPCS) of Nepal and serves as a national statistical organization of Government of Nepal. It generates timely and reliable socio-economic statistics mainly through the operation of censuses and surveys. The main objective of setting up CBS is to avail data to NPCS and other Government agencies for the formulation of national plans, policies and also produces national account estimates to measure the economic growth of the country. It carries out different household surveys and censuses regularly to assess the socio- economic condition of the country. The major tasks, which CBS has been performing, are decennial population census, agriculture census and quinquennial manufacturing establishment census. In addition, many household surveys like living standard surveys, labor force surveys and multiple indicator surveillance are indispensable tasks, which CBS has been accomplishing. The role of the CBS is always decisive for the effective functioning of the national statistical system as a whole. It promotes collaborative research efforts among members of academic community, data producers and users. It has a prominent role in developing statistical system and maintaining statistical standard in the country.


Provide timely and quality statistics to Government for the formulation of plan and policy and acquires the information about socio-economic condition of the country.
Processing, analysis, publication, dissemination and protection of collected data.
Coordinate with various agencies involved in data collection, processing and analysis to avoid statistical discrepancies.
Develop standard statistical system by performing a leading role in statistical activities.
Develop statistical manpower.

Main Functions

Provide necessary statistics to Government for the formulation of plan and policy.
Collection, processing and analysis of data related to the socio-economic sector.
Develop definitions and scientific methodologies for reliable data collection and implementation.
Coordinate various data collection agencies and avoid duplications of efforts to generate the same statistics and develop consolidated statistical system.
Investigation of various statistical sectors for the need of the Government and produce these statistics.
Protection of statistical records.
Investigation of new technologies in order to make more scientific, reliable and useful data collection, processing and analysis method.
Coordinate with various agencies by maintaining consistency and uniformity for quality of national level statistics.
Organize training, seminar and workshop on statistical fields at national and international level.
Play advisory role to control and coordinate various statistical activities.
Develop basic statistical manpower.
Develop and implement the system to provide regular and reliable statistics through Branch Statistics Offices.